Kawanua Melbourne

This is a personal blog of Jeffry Liando as part of www.indo.nz. To go to the Kawanua Melbourne Australia Inc website, please visit this website www.kawanuamelbourne.org. For more info and knowledge about Minahasa, please visit www.minahasamelbourne.com.

Jeff's involvement in the birth of Kawanua Melbourne Australia Incorporated (KMA) started when he was asked to hold the role of Vice President in 2016 and then suggested the very first idea for the club to register as an incorporated society. 

However, it could only be realised when he accepted the role of Secretary and then prepared and wrote the Anggaran Dasar and Anggaran Rumah Tangga (AD/ART) as defining the meaning and essence of "Kawanua Melbourne" in the preamble of the organisation constitution. 

With his capacity as a Secretary, he then registered "Kawanua Melbourne Australia Incorporated" to Consumer Affairs Victoria (state government).

From the history of Kawanua Melbourne since 1974, this organisation has never conducted any General Meetings, therefore as a Secretary he proposed to the Kawanua Melbourne community to have one and then set it up.

For the first time in the history, KMA has its first General Meeting on 24 Nov 2018 as he named it "Rapat Sidang Majelis Kawanua" or in English "Kawanua Assembly Session Meeting".

Please check the gallery of events related to the establishment of Kawanua Melbourne Australian Inc.:

As the founder and convener he gathered people and set up the vision, mission and objectives of Kawanua Melbourne as he saw fit to be presented and accepted at the 1st AGM in 24 Nov 2018 ("Kawanua Assembly Session Meeting" or "Rapat Sidang Majelis Kawanua"). 

This is Jeff's presentation at the 1st AGM in 24 Nov 2018. He prepared the Kawanua Melbourne Australia Incorporated organisational framework, context and content.

About Kawanua Melbourne Australia

Jeffry Liando is now elected as the Secretary of the Indonesian Diaspora Network Victoria Incorporated (IDN Victoria). This organisation is a much bigger and wider Indonesian community which gives him a bigger capacity and responsibility to serve a wider Indonesian community in Melbourne. 

Kawanua Melbourne Australia Inc. (KMA) is an incorporated association of Indonesian Minahasan living in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

Kawanua people are Minahasan or Manadonese people who are originated from Minahasa region of North Sulawesi province in Eastern Indonesia with Manado is the provincial capital city. The term Kawanua is only for Minahasan people living outside Minahasa. "Ka" means "friend" and "wanua" means "one country" so "Kawanua" means "friend of one country".

Kawanua migrants who are studying, working and living in Melbourne realise the importance of maintaining and nurturing familial nature, mutual respect and understanding with the spirit and noble values of ​​"Si Tou Timou Tumou Tou" (one lives to make others live as to nurture and educate others) and "Mapalus" (mutual aid).

Kawanua Melbourne Australia Inc was registered as an Incorporated Association on 7 May 2019 by Jeffry Liando as the First Secretary with registration no A0106347G and registed in Australian Business Register since 26 June 2019 with ABN 45 633 138 093. The financial year starts from 1 May to 30 April as stated in the Rules of the association, which is easy to remember. 😉

  1. Kawanua Melbourne is Indonesian Minahasan people who live in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia for generations, who are descended from, or related to, the people and the land of Minahasa.
  2. Kawanua Melbourne has Minahasan values of ​​"Si Tou Timou Tumou Tou" and "Mapalus" in fostering relationships between members.
  3. Kawanua Melbourne maintains Indonesian values ​​of Pancasila and UUD 1945 Constitution in fostering relationships with other people of Indonesia and the Indonesian government.
  4. Kawanua Melbourne understands the Australian Values Statement and Australian culture in fostering relationships with the local Australian community.
  5. Kawanua Melbourne fosters and upholds the trust, honesty and good ethics.
  6. Kawanua Melbourne is social and familial.
  7. Kawanua Melbourne is non-profit, non-governmental and non-political.
  8. Kawanua Melbourne is a form of community association covering the entire territory of Victoria, Australia and its existence is recognized by the government of the Republic of Indonesia and the government of Australia.

  1. Fostering unity and integrity of its members and foster mutual respect and understanding in a familial manner.
  2. Playing an active role in developing Kawanua Melbourne people who are critical, creative and responsible.
  3. Playing an active role in promoting Minahasan arts and culture in Australia.
  4. Fostering close relationships and harmony with fellow Indonesians and Australian local communities.
  5. Demonstrating an open attitude to assimilate with the Australian people, culture and social values.

Australian Values Statement:
  1. Respect for the equal worth, dignity and freedom of the individual
  2. Freedom of speech
  3. Freedom of association
  4. Freedom of religion and secular government
  5. Support for parliamentary democracy and the rule of law
  6. Equality under the law
  7. Equality of men and women
  8. Equality of opportunity, regardless of race, religion or ethnic background
  9. A spirit of egalitarianism that embraces mutual respect, tolerance, fair play, compassion for those in need and pursuit of the public good

Please contact the committee from this website www.kawanuamelbourne.org.au or email to admin@kawanuamelbourne.org.au. Alternatively, go to the Facebook page www.facebook.com/kawanuamelbourne.org.au 

"Pakatuan Wo Pakalawiren" (wishing you long life and good health)

About North Sulawesi